Spiritual Gifts: “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit”

Aloha and Welcome!

Join us each week in the Pavillion at The Children’s House in Pearl City. You will experience the presence of God and His peace as you worship with us in our beautiful worship space.

Spiritual Gifts: “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit” 9.21

In the Avenger Movies, “Hawkeye” is an expert marksman with a quiver of trick arrows at his disposal. No matter what the situation, he has an arrow that can answer the need of the moment. Followers of Jesus have been given “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit” — nine supernatural abilities available to us in our time of need. Pastor John’s latest message takes a closer look at our spiritual quiver of arrows, freely given to us by the Holy Spirit, to “Discover, Develop, Live, and Share the Abundant Life of Jesus Christ.

“Warrior Wednesday” weekly prayer

Join us in fasting and prayer — substitute breakfast, lunch, & dinner with prayer focused on five areas:

  1. How to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength

  2. The People God has given us to love

  3. “Divine Appointments”

  4. Be a Disciple that makes Disciples: “find two, make two”

  5. Be a MiniChurch that plants MiniChurches: “join one, start one”

The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me pastorjohn@journeyhawaii.com

Message Notes:

Click here for the message notes

Message Video:


LiveStream from Crossroad Nishinomiya Japan


Spiritual Gifts: “Gifts of the Father”