What it means to be a member here at Journey:
The 6 Part Series “Who We Are At Journey”:
I. Our Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Objectives
We are Real People, in a Real World, with a Real Solution … Jesus Christ
Our Mission: to Build a Movement of Believers who Support One Another in a Growing Relationship with Jesus, Journeying Together to Discover, Embrace, Grow In, and Share the Abundant Life God has for us — which is the Best Version of Ourselves
Our Vision: to be a Modern-Day Antioch Church. The Antioch Church, as described in the Bible, is a model of a diverse, mission-oriented, and generous community. It was a central place for early Christian outreach, a symbol of unity among Believers of different backgrounds, and a key player in the establishment of the global Christian movement. The leadership of Antioch focused on teaching and worship, fellowship, sharing the Gospel, mentoring, leadership development, and church planting. They spread the Gospel and planted churches throughout the First Century world, setting a powerful example for future Christian communities.
Our Objectives: (1) 1,000 MiniChurches [small groups], 1,000 Pastors (2) Plant One Next Generation Antioch Church on Oahu (3) Partner with Four Antioch Churches in Hawaii, Japan, and Okinawa (4) Establish a Leadership Academy for Pastors, Life-Coaches, and Mentors
II. Our Values
“On a Journey Together”
“Head, Heart, Hands”
“Everybody Plays”
“Form Follows Function”
“Divine Appointments”
“Living a Servant Lifestyle”
“Nothing is Impossible with God”
“We Have Time for You”
“Warrior Wednesday”
III. Our Plan: Antioch 2035
Antioch 2035
1. Produce a Weekly Church Service that provides Spirit-Filled Worship, Biblical Teaching, and Fellowship with Love, Encouragement, and Hope
2. Establish the “Journey Church Hawaii MiniChurch Network” with a goal of 1,000 MiniChurches and 1,000 Pastors
2. Plant/Partner with FIVE Antioch Churches (Churches that Plant Churches)
a. Plant ONE church on Oahu
b. Partner with FOUR churches (Hawaii, Japan, Okinawa)
3. Establish a Leadership Academy
a. Bi-Annual Symposiums
b. Learning Cohorts
c. Leadership Mentoring and Coaching
IV. Living a Servant Lifestyle (ask God 3 questions everyday)
“How can You be so Good?”
“How am I doing with the People You have given me to love?”
“How can I serve You today?”
Membership Covenant
1. Love the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord [Rev 4:9,11; 1 Cor 15:3-5; Ro 3:23-24; 10:9-13]
2. Love the Pastor, our leadership team, and our SOP/Mission/Vision/Objectives/Values
3. Love the people of Journey Church; be willing to spend quality time with them [Acts 2:46]
4. Stand with the church financially: Tithes & Offerings [John 3:16; Gen 14:19-20; Matt 6:24; Gen 14:18-20; Matt 6:24; Luke 6:38; Malachi 3:10-12]
5. Have a heart that says “yes” to God [Isaiah 6:8]