What it means to be a member here at Journey:

The 6 Part Series of Who We Are At Journey:


I. Our Statement of Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Objective 

“Journey Church Hawaii is a relationally-focused church that exists to equip people to DISCOVER, DEVELOP, LIVE, and SHARE God’s Abundant Life by Living a Servant Lifestyle” [Psalm 84:5-7; Ephesians 3:14-21; 4:12; John 10:10; 13:1-17] 

Our Mission: (1) make Disciples that make Disciples; (2) plant MiniChurches that plant MiniChurches; (3) plant churches that plant churches; and (4) provide leadership training, mentoring, and coaching for current and future pastors.

Our Vision: Establish Next Generation MiniChurches and Churches where “We Promise to Love You as is”

Our Objective: “1,000 MiniChurches, 1,000 Pastors”

II. Our Values 

1.     Everyone [In Christ] is good, competent, and knowledgeable [Romans 15:14]

2.     Developing relationships of unconditional love is an ideal way to learn and grow [Ephesians 3:14-21]

3.     The priesthood of believers; “everybody plays” [1 Peter 2:9; Ephesians 2:10]

4.     Everyone has something to share [1 Corinthians 14:26]

5.     Head, Heart, Hands (repeat); Learn by Doing: Hands-on, Value-Driven [Matthew 7:24-27]

6.     “Form Follows Function” [1 Corinthians 9:19-23]

7.     Church on a Monday; “Divine Appointments” [Luke 10:5-9; Matthew 5:13-16]

8.     We have a unique Spiritual Gift Mix supernaturally given for the common good [1 Cor 12:4-6; Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11,28; Ephesians 4:11-12]

9.     Nothing is impossible with God, including the miraculous that defies the laws of nature on this side of Heaven [Luke 1:37; Mark 16:17-18]

10.  The Spiritual Realm is Real, and We are at War [Revelation 12:1-12; 1 Peter 5:8]; we do not battle flesh and blood [Ephesians 6:12]; our Weapons are Not of this World [Ephesians 6:10-18; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5]; and We Win! [Revelation 22]

11.  Discipleship and Living a Servant Lifestyle [Matt 28:18-20; 2 Timothy 2:2; 1 Cor 11:1; John 13:1-17]

12.  The Best form of Evangelism is Church Planting; “churches that plant churches” [book of Acts] 

III. Our Plan: Antioch 2035

Antioch 2035

1.  Produce a Weekly Church Service that provides Spirit-Filled Worship, Biblical Teaching, and Fellowship with Love, Encouragement, and Hope    

2. Establish the “Journey Church Hawaii MiniChurch Network” with a goal of 1,000 MiniChurches and 1,000 Pastors

2.      Plant/Partner with FIVE Antioch Churches (Churches that Plant Churches)

a.   Plant ONE church on Oahu

b.   Partner with FOUR churches (Hawaii and Japan)

3.      Establish The Academy of Issachar (that equips pastors to lead Antioch Churches)

a. Bi-Annual Symposiums

b. Learning Cohorts

c. Leadership Mentoring and Coaching

IV. The Eight Disciplines of Acts 2:42-47

  1. Teaching

    a. The Bible is the Absolute Word of God [2 Timothy 3:16-17]

    b. What would Jesus do? [John 1:14; 2 Corinthians 4:6]

    c. Head, Heart, Hands [Matthew 7:24-27]

    d. Daily Quiet Time [Psalm 1:1-6; 119:15,105; Romans 12:1-2; Isaiah 26:3]

  2. Fellowship [Ephesians 3:14-21]

  3. Communion [1 Corinthians 11:23-26]

  4. Prayer [Matthew 5:9-13; John 16:13-15; James 4:8; James 5:16]

  5. Giving [Genesis 14:18-20; Matthew 6:24; Malachi 3:10-12; Luke 6:38]

  6. Serving One Another [Mark 10:45; John 13:14-15; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7]

  7. Evangelism [Acts 1:8; Romans 10:14-17; Luke 10:5-8]

  8. Worship [Revelation 4:8-11; Romans 12:1-2]

V. Living a Servant Lifestyle (ask God 3 questions everyday)

  1. “How can You be so Good?”

  2. “How am I doing with the People You have given me to love?”

  3. “How can I serve You today?”

Our 5-stage process of growth [Psalm 92:12-15]

[I] Rooted in God’s Love [Eph 3:14-21]

     1. Salvation: “I am a Child of God” [John 3:16; 1:12-13; Ro 10:9-13; 2 Cor 5:17; Ro 8:14-17; Phil 3:10-11]

     2. Water Baptism [Matt 28:19]

     3. Introducing a Servant Lifestyle [John 13:1-17]

     4. “Church on a Monday” and “Divine Appointments” [Revelation 12:11; Luke 10:5-9; Matthew 5:13-16]

5. Membership

[II] Growing a Trunk of Authenticity [Eph 4:22-24]

     6. Learn the Bible in Church [2 Tim 3:16-17; Heb 4:12]

     7. Live the Bible in MiniChurch [Matt 7:24-27; Eph 3:14-21] “Head, Heart, Hands”

8. Regular Practice and Application of the 8 Spiritual Disciplines [Acts 2:42-47]

[III] Branching Out in Ministry Skill [Ephesians 2:10] 

     9. Practicing a Servant Lifestyle

10. “Find a Need and Fill It” [1 Cor 12:4-7]

     11. Leadership Training [Eccles 10:10; 1 Samuel 22:1-2; Psalm 78:72]

   12. The Spirit-Filled Life [Acts 1:8; Ephesians 5:18; Ro 8:1-17; Gal 5:22-23]

[IV] Bearing Fruit for the Lord [John 15:1-8,16]

13. Disciple/Mentor Others [Matt 28:19-20; 2 Tim 2:2]

14. Living a Servant Lifestyle

15. Experiencing a Life of Righteousness, Peace and Joy [Ro 14:17] 

[V] Reproducing the Church [Acts 1:8; Matt 28:18-20]

16. Plant/Birth/Reproduce MiniChurches [Jeremiah 3:15]

17. Join/Support a Church Planting Team [Acts 13:2-3]


Membership Covenant

1.     Love the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord [Rev 4:9,11; 1 Cor 15:3-5; Ro 3:23-24; 10:9-13]

2.     Love the Pastor, our leadership team, and our SOP/Mission/Vision/Objectives/Values

3.     Love the people of Journey Church; be willing to spend quality time with them [Acts 2:46]

4.     Stand with the church financially: Tithes & Offerings [John 3:16; Gen 14:19-20; Matt 6:24; Gen 14:18-20; Matt 6:24; Luke 6:38; Malachi 3:10-12]

5.     Have a heart that says “yes” to God [Isaiah 6:8]