Spiritual Gifts: “Gifts of the Father”

Aloha and Welcome!

The gift of Salvation — believing and receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord into our heart — has many benefits. Among them are Peace of heart and mind, permission to be happy, and a very present hope of experiencing the goodness of God in this life! AND, to give us an edge, we are given SPIRITUAL GIFTS that are powerful and custom-made for each of us. What are these gifts? How do we get them? How do we use them? Watch our latest message as Pastor John shares from Romans 12:3-8

“Warrior Wednesday” weekly prayer

Join us in fasting and prayer — substitute breakfast, lunch, & dinner with prayer focused on five areas:

  1. How to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength

  2. The People God has given us to love

  3. “Divine Appointments”

  4. Be a Disciple that makes Disciples: “find two, make two”

  5. Be a MiniChurch that plants MiniChurches: “join one, start one”

The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me pastorjohn@journeyhawaii.com

Message Notes:

Click here for the message notes

Message Video:


Spiritual Gifts: “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit”


Spiritual Worship