Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle
Aloha and Welcome!
Jesus answer for a troubled heart this week is the call to develop and experience a Supernatural Lifestyle.
Pastor John will share highlights of how Jesus modeled a supernatural lifestyle. We will also focus on 3 foundational areas that God moves supernaturally; (1) Salvation (2) Healing & Deliverance (3) Finances.
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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What is God Like?
Aloha and Welcome!
Jesus answer for a troubled heart this week is the transforming knowledge of who God is and what he is like.
The big questions of life that everyone has can make a huge impact on your life! Is there a God? What is God like? As we explore how we can know more about God and be transformed by that knowledge, we will ease our troubled hearts.
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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Eternity and the Quality of My Present Life
Aloha and Welcome!
Jesus answer for a troubled heart this week is the reality of Life after death and the existence of Heaven.
The Premise? Eternal life refers not only to duration of life, but to the quality of life. To those that believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, God promises eternal life in Heaven, and in this present life? — loving grace, peace and joy!
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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God has My Best Interests in Mind
Aloha and Welcome!
The Bible describes a troubled heart as (1) unsettled, agitated, disturbed (2) mental angst from fear or anxiety (3) an upheaval of our spirit.
Is there something (or someone) that is stirring your feelings? Causing you anxiety? Making you afraid?
Join us as we begin a new series, discovering Jesus’ powerful and loving answers for a troubled heart.
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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Jesus, I am Yours
Aloha and Welcome!
We conclude our series based on THE CHOSEN with a message that asks, “Is my faith in Jesus Christ UNCONDITIONAL, or is it conditioned on a list of things I really need Him to do? What are my specific conditions to give Him my heart of love and loyalty? Join us Saturday @The Studio or watch online. Praying that “the Peace of God will rule your hearts!”
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode eight:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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One Thing I Do
Aloha and Welcome!
One of the most incredible gifts that God gives us when we surrender our hearts to Him is our Adoption as His Children and the Promise of an Eternal Inheritance. Embracing this Truth has a profound impact on our daily lives — how we view God and love the people He has given us to love. Join us Saturday and discover a Truth that will rock your world!
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode seven:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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A Stronger and More Radical Response
Aloha and Welcome!
As the intensity increases in Episode 6 of “The Chosen”, I am reminded of the growing tension we are facing around us — economically, personal safety, work ethics, challenges to re-define morality, and increased fear and anxiety. This Saturday, join us as Pastor John shares how we can respond in the Strength and More Radical Love of Jesus Christ. All of this wrapped in the Peace of God! (-;
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode six:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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Who Touched Me
Aloha and Welcome!
A woman who has physically suffered for 12 years is miraculously healed by Jesus. How it happens and Jesus’ public response is an incredible testimony of how much He loves us and wants us to live and enjoy what it means to be truly forgiven and “made clean.” Watch below as Pastor John shares from Mark 5:25-34
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode five:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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Starting My Day Righteously
Aloha and Welcome!
The Disciples have returned from their short-term mission with amazing testimonies of miracles — healings, demonic deliverance, and the sharing of powerful messages — all done by them in the Name of Jesus! But there is lots of drama here at home. This is an episode filled with unresolved issues and unanswered questions. How do we go about our daily lives in Christ and hold onto the peace and hope of Jesus amidst the very real challenges of life? Join us and hear a very practical and most challenging solution
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode four:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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Now is the Time of God’s Favor
Aloha and Welcome!
Jesus returns to His home town and shares His heart with family and friends at Synagogue. He gives a message of incredible hope for those who are desperate for God. You can see the excitement in Mary (Lazarus’ sister)! But others are offended; they cannot see Jesus beyond their experience of Him as Joseph and Mary’s son. Their offense leads to outrage! The question for us is: “who is Jesus to you?” Join us as Pastor John shares …
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode three:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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Catch the Little Foxes
Aloha and Welcome!
This week we are challenged to take the Message of Jesus Christ to the people God has given us to love — a message that includes an invitation of the power of God to physically heal, miraculously provide, and reach hearts in a way that we may think is impossible. What happens when our own minds struggle with the Words of the Bible? These random thoughts are like “little foxes” in our minds. They need to be identified, “caught” and replaced with the Truth of God. Join us and hear how!
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode two:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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A Message Just for Me
Aloha and Welcome!
God loves all the people in the world! HIs message of hope, of unconditional love and forgiveness, and His invitation to be adopted as children of God is given to everyone. All we have to do is to choose to receive and believe. But get this — Jesus also sees you and me individually. He has unique messages of love for “just me” and no one else. Join us as we explore this incredible truth…
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode one:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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The Essential Character of Kingdom Citizens
Aloha and Welcome!
As Jesus prepares to deliver His infamous “Sermon on the Mount” (found in Matthew 5-7), He chooses to begin this incredible “manifesto” with an emphasis on the character of those who choose to follow Jesus. Join us on our LiveStream as Pastor John shares “why character matters!”
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode eight:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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The Time Has Come
Aloha and Welcome!
Fear has a way of altering our perception of reality as well as affect the way that we see ourselves and behave. The Good News is that Jesus has powerful ways to help us face our fears and no longer be subject to them. Join us as Pastor John shares how the perfect love of God helps us deal with fear.
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode seven:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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Unfailing Love
Aloha and Welcome!
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercy never comes to an end; they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness" Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV
This Saturday Pastor Tim will share from Season 2 Episode 6 of The Chosen
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode six:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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Good Conversations
Happy Easter!
One of the incredible benefits of being a Child of God is the incredible conversations — two-way conversations — we can have with the Lord. He really hears us and really speaks to us! Join us this weekend as we share from the Bible this incredible Truth — “We can talk story with God!”
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode five:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
Message Notes
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Here’s Jesus - He 100% Forgives
Happy Easter!
Imagine what life would be like if you knew that you were totally forgiven of anything and everything you had ever done wrong. No guilt, no need to do anything to make it right, no being punished for a certain amount of time. Instead, a life of joy, peace, and hope. Join us tomorrow (4.08) and learn about the One who can and does 100% forgive, Jesus Christ
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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It’s Time to Get Up!
Aloha and Welcome!
Jesus challenges a man unable to use his legs for 38 years with the question, “Do you want to get well?” Beyond the obvious of his physical limitations, Jesus’ question reaches into his very soul and brings to light a mindset that is also in need of healing. Join us as we invite the Lord to show us what we need physically and spiritually to get well. It’s time to “get up!”
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode four:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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Do You Get It
Aloha and Welcome!
The Lord is helping me (Pastor John) understand HIS definition of manhood. In the process of my understanding, I discovered an incredible attribute of manhood is being a man of peace.
We will also be sharing in a potluck after church!
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode three:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
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I see you
Aloha and Welcome!
An incredible day captured in Scripture as a man named Nathaniel meets Jesus. He discovers that Jesus knows a lot about him, and reveals to Nathaniel in a unique and personal way that He is God in the flesh. Join us as we discover that Jesus both sees and knows a lot about us, too. He wants us to know that we are incredibly loved and liked, and desires to “do life” with us everyday!
Each week we will feature a message from an episode of “The Chosen” — the first ever multi-season series about the life of Jesus Christ. Here is a link to episode two:
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
Message Notes
Click here for the message notes.