This Week at Journey Church August 28, 2016
A Word from Pastor John
Aloha Dear Ones,Our journey through the Bible brings us back to the book of Jeremiah. God challenges us to pray through and Trust HIM with the very important challenges of today, and ASK HIM about HIS DREAMS for us in the exciting possibilities of tomorrow. He is there and is not silent!Worship begins at 10AM, followed by THE BEST TIME for our children, Middle School & High Schoolers in classes especially created for them. OR … we have a MESSAGE ONLY SERVICE from 830-9AM.AND, if you would like someone to pray for you, we have an incredible prayer team available immediately after 10A service in a room in the back of church.two scoops agape,pastor john
Sunday Message Notes & Video
Click here for this weeks message notes.
Children's Message
Weekly Bible Reading
Click on a Bible Passage to open and read the daily scripture reading right on your computer or phone.
- Sunday 8/28/2016 Jeremiah 39, 52
- Monday 8/29/2016 Lamentations 1-2
- Tuesday 8/30/2016 Lamentations 3-5
- Wednesday 8/31/2016 Jeremiah 40-44
- Thursday 9/1/2016 Ezekiel 33-34
- Friday 9/2/2016 Ezekiel 37-39
- Saturday 9/3/2016 Ezekiel 32-33
- Sunday 9/4/2016 Daniel 3
Weekly Bulletin:
- 700 Mens LifeGroup [upstairs in Teachers Lounge]
- 815 Church set-up begins
- 830-900 Message Only Service [upstairs in Teachers Lounge]
- 10 TODDLERS CLASS. You may drop your kids off starting at 10A
- 10-1130A Worship Service
- Worship
- Childrens Message
- Children’s Church
- Middle School/High School Study
- Message by Pastor John
- Worship
- 1130A-1230P Fellowship and put equipment away
- New Lifegroups coming in September!!! Signups Sept 4th at Church.
Upcoming Events:
- DWJD Class- More details on Sunday.
- Propresenter Training- Sept 11, 9am before church. Come learn to help with the worship and message slides on Sundays.
- Fantasy Football League- Draft party Sunday at 1pm at the Stefens house. See Jim or John for details.
Best ways to contact:
- Email
- Visit our website to Contact Us
- Leave a voice message at (808) 674-9591