Walk in the Spirit, Part Three

Aloha and Welcome!

The Bible says, “blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled [Matt 5:6]. I have found that those Christians I admire most have an insatiable hunger to know and experience everything they can about Jesus. Their lives are infectious, in that they live, laugh, cry, and love deeply. They love to worship the Lord. They live to serve the people God has given them to love. And they are constantly looking for ways to talk about Jesus and lead others to Him. Now that is a great life!

Pastor John shares about the Baptism/Filling of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Tim is back leading worship. All begins 0930 hst @the Studio and via Live Stream

“Warrior Prayer” every Wednesday

Join us in fasting and prayer — substitute breakfast, lunch, & dinner with prayer focused on five areas:

  1. How to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength

  2. The People God has given us to love

  3. “Divine Appointments”

  4. Be a Disciple: “find two, make two”

  5. MiniChurch: “join one, start one”

The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me pastorjohn@journeyhawaii.com

Message Notes:

Click here for the message notes

Message Video:


Walk in the Spirit, Part Four


Walk in the Spirit, Part Two