This Week At Journey- 3/1/20
Sunday, March 1, 2020
“The Day Jesus got Zealous…or what is Angry?”
Jesus walked into the Temple and saw stuff He did not like. He makes a whip and drives people out, overturning tables and making quite a scene. What is going on? What happens when we are so passionate about something that it manifests into a whole lot of emotion?…Join us this Sunday as we talk about being zealous and being angry.
two scoops Agape,
pastor john
Pastor John will be teaching at both campuses
Next week we have a special guest speaker from Crossroad Nishinomiya: Pastor Fumi Chito. We sponsor his wife Miko as a Fulltime Staff [leadership and discipleship trainer]
COUNTDOWN TO EASTER [April 12th]: 7 Sundays!
Our Goals for 2020
[1] Be a Disciple [Child of God]
[2] Make a Disciple [who are you discipling?]
[3] Share about Jesus [with people around you]
Sunday's Message Notes
Daily Bible Reading
Weekly Bulletin:
700 Setup Begins
730 Mens LifeGroup
830-1000A Worship Service
Children’s Church
Message by Speaker
1000A-1100A Fellowship and put equipment awa
See Pastor John for mini-church information.