This Week At Journey- 10/7/18
A Word from Pastor John
Aloha Dear Ones,
Guest Speaker- John Bacigalupo, Pastor of Hope Chapel OkinawaWe are pleased to welcome a good friend to share at our services in Honolulu and Kapolei. You’ll be blessed to hear his message as he draws from his experience as:
- Retired Marine Corps
- Husband; Grandpa
- Parent of 2 Generations
- Dyslexic; earned a College Degree
- Church Planter
- Encourager
We have services in Kapolei at 830AM [message only taught this week by Pastor Ty, a special series on “Sharing your Testimony.”] and 10AM [worship, teaching and programs for the children]; and in Honolulu at 8AM.two scoops agape,pastor john
- If you need prayer, please visit our prayer team [Kapolei campus: during worship after message; Honolulu, after service ends]. You can also email your requests to Our intercessors will pray during the week for you!
- Please pray for our Missions Team to Kobe, Japan [October 1-8]: Pastor John & Brenda Honold, Pastor Randy Ishida, Cody Sula and Jacob Shirk.
- Sunday, October 7th Guest Speaker John Bacigalupo, Pastor of Hope Chapel Okinawa [8AM Honolulu; 10AM Kapolei] Pastor Ty teaches on “How to Share Your Testimony, Part One” [830AM Kapolei Campus]
- Sunday, October 14th Guest Speaker Tisha Falcon Lehfeldt, 95.5 THE FISH [8AM Honolulu; 10AM Kapolei] Pastor Ty teaches on “How to Share Your Testimony, Part Two” [830AM Kapolei Campus]
- Sunday October 21st Pastor John [8AM Honolulu; 10AM Kapolei] Pastor Ty [830AM Kapolei]
- Message Notes can be downloaded here.
Sunday Message Notes
Click here for today's Message Notes.Audio quality on today's message is a little lower than normal. Apologies. for Pastor Ty's 8:00am Series on Sharing your Testimony
- January Bible Readings-
- February Bible Readings-
- March Bible Readings-
- April Bible Readings-
- May Bible Readings-
- June Bible Readings-
- July Bible Readings-
- August Bible Readings-
- September Bible Readings-
- October Bible Readings-
- November Bible Readings-
- December Bible Readings-
Weekly Bulletin:
- 700 Setup Begins
- 730 Mens LifeGroup
- 830-900 Message Only Service
- 10-1130A Worship Service
- Worship
- Giving
- Children’s Church
- Middle School Youth Group
- Message by Speaker
- Worship
- 1130A-1230P Fellowship and put equipment away
- 1130A- Youth Mini-Church
- New Season of Minichurches starting on September 28.