This Week At Journey- 5/19/19
A Word from Pastor John
Sunday May 19, 2019
The 8 Acts of Devotion: Communion
“For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26)
What does it mean to “proclaim the Lord’s death?” How does this celebration translate into living and enjoying our everyday lives as Children of God here on earth? Join us this Sunday and discover another “act of devotion” that bears witness to our souls …
two scoops agape,
pastor john
Sunday May 19, 2019
Aloha Journey Church Ohana!
- Pastor John will be teaching at both campuses, continuing the series “The 8 Acts of Devotion from Acts 2:42-47”
- We will celebrate COMMUNION at both campuses today
- MiniChurch
- 1. We are praying to get new MiniChurches [in person and Virtual] started at both campuses. If you currently lead a group, can you let me know either at church or via email
- 2. Honolulu Campus: Pastor Aaron Suzuki and Pastor Randy Ishida will coordinate the start of new MiniChurches
- 3. Kapolei Campus: Pastor John will coordinate start of new MiniChurches
- 4. Our hope is to get our MiniChurches ready to go by the start of our next series, “VICTORY OVER THE DARKNESS: What it means to be a CHILD OF GOD” [beginning July 7th]
- If you need prayer, please visit our prayer team [Kapolei campus: during worship after message; Honolulu, after service ends]. You can also email your requests to Our intercessors will pray during the week for you!
Sunday's Message Notes
Click here for today's message notes.
- January Bible Readings-
- February Bible Readings-
- March Bible Readings-
- April Bible Readings-
- May Bible Readings-
- June Bible Readings-
- July Bible Readings-
- August Bible Readings-
- September Bible Readings-
- October Bible Readings-
- November Bible Readings-
- December Bible Readings-
Weekly Bulletin:
- 700 Setup Begins
- 730 Mens LifeGroup
- 830-900 Message Only Service
- 10-1130A Worship Service
- Worship
- Giving
- Children’s Church
- Middle School Youth Group
- Message by Speaker
- Worship
- 1130A-1230P Fellowship and put equipment away
- 1130A- Youth Mini-Church
- See Pastor John for mini-church information.
Best ways to contact: