This Week At Journey- 2/9/20
A Word from Pastor John
Sunday, February 9, 2020
“His Name is John”
If someone were to ask you who was the greatest figure in the Bible besides Jesus, who would you say?
John the Baptist was infused with the Holy Spirit from birth. He was unique in every way, speaking boldly of the One to follow him, Jesus Christ. He provided hope during a time of rampant fear, oppression and hopelessness. And we need to hear of his journey…join us this Sunday as we hear from members of our teaching team: Bob Ford [Kapolei] and Randy Ishida [Honolulu].
two scoops Agape,
pastor john
Sunday's Message Notes
Weekly Bulletin:
700 Setup Begins
730 Mens LifeGroup
830-900 Message Only Service
10-1130A Worship Service
Children’s Church
Middle School Youth Group
Message by Speaker
1130A-1230P Fellowship and put equipment away
1130A- Youth Mini-Church
See Pastor John for mini-church information.