This is Who We Are- A Closer Look
Aloha and Welcome!
Join us as Pastor John shares more about the RE-LAUNCH of Journey Church (SEP 2025). He will give us Biblical insight for everyday living with a message entitled “This is Who We Are: a Closer Look”
Member’s Lunch this Saturday 2.15 immediately after church is pau!
Warrior Wednesday Prayer
Join us in fasting and prayer every Wednesday — substitute breakfast, lunch, & dinner with prayer focused on five areas:
For me: love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength
The People God has given us to love
“Divine Appointments”
Be a Disciple that makes Disciples (be a mentor)
MiniChurch: join one, invite one; start one, lead one
The heart of our church is our small group ministry called “MiniChurch”. If you are interested in finding out more about it, please contact me
Message Notes:
Click here for the message notes