Sunday Message- Feb 21, 2016
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We will be posting the audio and Video of our Sunday Message. But we're still getting the bugs worked out. Please forgive the poor quality of the audio as we figure out our Audio Recording setup.
This Week at Journey Church February 21, 2016
Dear Ones,
I left church last Sunday especially challenged by the Holy Spirit to be ever-mindful of exercising leadership [sound the trumpets, Numbers 10:1-10]: (1) the call to gather (2) time to move forward (3) engaging in spiritual warfare and (4) worship, worship, WORSHIP JESUS!
This Sunday Jesus will take an old Jewish prayer and reveal to us all an incredible gift He has given those who believe – the ability to THINK THINGS THROUGH with HIS UNDERSTANDING. Join us this Sunday and find out that “He made you SMART!”
(-; Pastor John
TODDLERS CLASS continues at 10A Service. You may drop your kids off right starting at 10A
Schedule for Today:
- 730 Mens LifeGroup [upstairs in Teachers Lounge]
- 830 Church set-up begins
- 9-930 Message Only Service [upstairs in Teachers Lounge]
- 10-1130A Worship Service
- Worship
- Childrens Message!!!
- Children’s Church
- Middle School/High School Study
- Message by Pastor John
- Worship
- 1130-1230 Fellowship and put equipment away
Reminder that DAILY BIBLE reading schedule (for the week) is posted every Sunday by 4PM on the home page of our website “”
LIFEGROUPS meet this Tuesday [02.23] in Mililani at the Christensen’s and Wednesday [02.24] in Mililani at the Vincent’s. Both groups begin at 630P. Praying for new LifeGroups in Kapolei, Ewa, and the Waianae Coast
Best ways to contact:
- Email
- Visit our website “” and click “contact us”
- Leave a voice message at (808) 674-9591
We will begin video recording our Sunday message on March 13th. Please pray as messages will be available via our website [very cool!]
Upcoming Events at Journey
· Sunday March 20th: ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY LUNCH [catered] after church
· Sunday March 27th: EASTER
· Sunday April 17th: Water Baptism/Potluck at Nimitz Cove 10A
Message Notes:
Download the Message Notes here:
Journey Church Hawaii“Think it Through”[Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Mark 12:28-34]Pastor John HonoldFebruary 21, 2016
The Shema
- Use of the tallit [prayer shawl] with four fringes [tzitzit] as a reminder to observe all the commandments of the Lord [Numbers 15:37-41]
- The blessings that come through obedience and the consequences of disobedience [Deuteronomy 11:13-21]
- The core Hebrew prayer focusing on “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one” and loving the Lord with all your heart, soul and strength [Deuteronomy 6:4-9]
- Contains Three Parts: Is the central prayer in the Jewish prayer book [Siddur] and is often the first section of Scripture a Jewish child learns; usually recited twice daily, morning and evening.
Jesus and The Shema [Mark 12:28-34]
Jesus quotes the first [and most revered] line of the ShemaHe adds: “with all your mind” [literally, “a thinking through”]
- Heart [1 Peter 3:4]
- Soul [Genesis 2:7; Ecclesiastes 3:11; John 1:4]
- Strength [1 Peter 4:11]
He further adds Leviticus 19:18The teacher tells Jesus He is right re: The ShemaHe acknowledges the addition of understanding [literally, “a putting together”]And he puts it together by saying these 2 commands are more important than offerings and sacrificesJesus commends his Kingdom thinking [John 1:14; 15:1-17]Think it through AND put it together:
A Closer Look at “A Thinking Through”
- The ability to think through [understanding/wisdom] has been given to us [Jeremiah 31:33-34; Hebrews 8:10; 10:16-17; 1 John 5:20] by Jesus
- It can be Enlightened [Ephesians 1:18-19a]
- Or Darkened [Ephesians 4:18]
- Restored in Christ by Reconciliation [Colossians 1:21-23; 2 Corinthians 5:20-21]